Enigmatic India Calendar for Charity: 10-year journey
Since then, over the last decade Enigmatic India and its friends
have contributed to social causes of organizations Wildlife Protection Society of India
(WPSI), Child Haven International and
our own projects of "Safe Feet", sponsoring children painting
activities Kuni Chitrakatha, promoting sportsmen etc..
This dream and journey wouldn't have been possible without the
support of many friends & supporters. Thank you again for your continued
support over many years to make a difference to the society.
“Safe Feet”…promoting Health and
Safety in children
We noticed that in
India (both rural and urban) a lot of kids, coming from lower economic
background walk their way to school bare feet, thereby risking their health and
hygiene. We wanted to make a difference to their lives, by sponsoring a pair of
floaters to ensure their health and safety.
Towards that we
worked with other similar minded organizations and partners, Soumya Memorial Trust, Lakhsman Patnaik
Memorial Trust and Bakul Foundation to
launch our program “Safe Feet” at BiswanathaPur, Balipatana, Khurdha, Odisha,
as a part of a larger event Tumpulu Tumpa in which more than 300 children
participated in this program and we have made a difference to the lives of 100+
students of Nimapada: Blind- Deaf- Dumb School by donating 100+ floaters.
Wildlife Awareness: Know your Birds
To spread awareness
in both children and adults, about our interactions with nature be it Animals,
reptiles or birds, EngimaticIndia has contributed to sponsoring awareness
sessions/ events by sharing photographs of birds taken by the EngimaticIndia
team. We partnered with Birding
enthusiast Pramod Dhal for launching the Know your Birds session in Odisha.
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